Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic
Decree №– 14
On travel expenses rates
Baku, 25 January 2008
In order to improve the rates of travel expenses that are used to forecast the costs of the state budget, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan resolves:
1. To set a daily rate of travel expenses on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic - 35,0 manats in Baku, 25,0 manats in Ganja, Sumgait and Nakhchivan, 20,0 manats in other cities of the Republic, 15,0 manats in district centers, urban settlements and villages.
2. To approve the «Daily rates of travel expenses when traveling in foreign countries» (Appendix №– 1).
3. To approve «Allowances to a daily rate of travel expenses in connection with business trips of executives and managers, to whom these allowances apply» (Appendix №– 2).
4. To establish that the daily rate include daily travel expenses, hotel, communications, intercity transportation costs (except for taxis) and other services.
5. Transport expenses (travel to the place of business mission and back, costs within the country) are paid on the basis of submitted documents.
6. Additional funds at rate of 5,0 manats per day shall be paid instead of travel allowances to the employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations, working time of which is constantly taking place in the road and has a traveling nature, employees working by shifts and in field conditions (there is no possibility of daily returns to the place of his permanent residence at the end of working time).
7. To determine, that:
8. The Ministry of Finance of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Azerbaijan Republic shall be entrusted to prepare and duly approve the «The Employees Business Trip Rules » within a month.
9. To approve the «List of some Decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, recognized as expired » (attached).
10. This Decree shall become effective as of 1 March 2008.
Prime-Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic
With amendments according to the Decree of 13 June, 2008, №– 137; 24 December, 2008, №– 280; 25 January, 2011, №– 15.
Supplement №– 1
by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers
of the Azerbaijan Republic
of 25 January 2008
№– 14
Daily rates of travel expenses when going on business trips to foreign countries
№– |
Country |
Currency |
Daily rate of travel expenses |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
1. |
Russian Federation |
US dollars |
150 |
Moscow and St. Petersburg |
240 |
2. |
Tajikistan |
US dollars |
140 |
Dushanbe |
160 |
3. |
Uzbekistan |
US dollars |
100 |
Tashkent |
160 |
4. |
Belarus |
US dollars |
140 |
Minsk |
180 |
5. |
Ukraine |
US dollars |
160 |
Kiev |
210 |
6. |
Moldova |
US dollars |
110 |
Chisinau |
150 |
7. |
Kazakhstan |
US dollars |
130 |
Almaty and Astana |
200 |
8. |
Kyrgyzstan |
US dollars |
130 |
Bishkek |
160 |
9. |
Georgia |
US dollars |
140 |
Tbilisi |
155 |
10. |
Turkmenistan |
US dollars |
95 |
Ashgabad |
130 |
11. |
Latvia |
Euro |
105 |
Riga |
140 |
12. |
Lithuania |
Euro |
120 |
Vilnius |
145 |
13. |
Estonia |
Euro |
95 |
Tallinn |
140 |
14. |
United Kingdom |
English pound sterling |
170 |
London |
190 |
15. |
Liechtenstein |
Euro |
200 |
16. |
Austria |
Euro |
185 |
17. |
Germany |
Euro |
225 |
18. |
Belgium |
Euro |
215 |
19. |
Ireland |
Euro |
215 |
20. |
Monaco |
Euro |
195 |
21. |
Norway |
Euro |
225 |
22. |
Netherlands |
Euro |
225 |
23. |
San Marino |
Euro |
215 |
24. |
France |
Euro |
205 |
Paris |
250 |
25. |
Turkey |
Euro |
150 |
Ankara and Istanbul |
165 |
26. |
Italy |
Euro |
185 |
27. |
Croatia |
Euro |
185 |
28. |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Euro |
160 |
29. |
Denmark |
Euro |
180 |
30. |
Switzerland |
Euro |
210 |
31. |
Luxembourg |
Euro |
190 |
32. |
Macedonia |
Euro |
190 |
33. |
Cyprus |
Euro |
160 |
34. |
Hungary |
Euro |
160 |
35. |
Malta |
Euro |
160 |
36. |
Portugal |
Euro |
170 |
37. |
Slovakia |
Euro |
160 |
38. |
Finland |
Euro |
210 |
39. |
Czech Republic |
Euro |
190 |
40. |
Serbia |
Euro |
155 |
41. |
Montenegro |
Euro |
155 |
42. |
Andorra |
Euro |
200 |
43. |
Albania |
Euro |
160 |
44. |
Greece |
Euro |
180 |
45. |
Iceland |
Euro |
190 |
46. |
Spain |
Euro |
200 |
47. |
Poland |
Euro |
175 |
48. |
Sweden |
Euro |
225 |
49. |
Bulgaria |
Euro |
135 |
50. |
Romania |
Euro |
175 |
51. |
Slovenia |
Euro |
145 |
52. |
United States |
US dollars |
330 |
New York |
350 |
53. |
Argentina |
US dollars |
195 |
54. |
Brazil |
US dollars |
225 |
55. |
Canada |
US dollars |
190 |
56. |
Mexico |
US dollars |
165 |
57. |
Other countries in America |
US dollars |
165 |
58. |
Bahrain |
US dollars |
165 |
59. |
Saudi Arabia |
US dollars |
165 |
60. |
United Arab Emirates |
US dollars |
235 |
61. |
Jordan |
US dollars |
140 |
62. |
Iran |
US dollars |
160 |
63. |
Qatar |
US dollars |
180 |
64. |
Kuwait |
US dollars |
180 |
65. |
Oman |
US dollars |
170 |
66. |
Syria |
US dollars |
160 |
67. |
Iraq |
US dollars |
160 |
68. |
Israel |
US dollars |
170 |
69. |
Lebanon |
US dollars |
170 |
70. |
Libya |
US dollars |
170 |
71. |
Brunei |
US dollars |
155 |
72. |
Yemen |
US dollars |
185 |
73. |
Algeria |
US dollars |
165 |
74. |
Morocco |
US dollars |
180 |
75. |
Egypt |
US dollars |
180 |
76. |
Tunisia |
US dollars |
180 |
77. |
Senegal |
US dollars |
185 |
78. |
Sudan |
US dollars |
165 |
79. |
Djibouti |
US dollars |
155 |
80. |
Chad |
US dollars |
225 |
81. |
South Africa |
US dollars |
240 |
82. |
Other countries in the African continent |
US dollars |
155 |
83. |
People's Republic of China |
US dollars |
185 |
84. |
Singapore |
US dollars |
235 |
85. |
Thailand |
US dollars |
205 |
86. |
Malaysia |
US dollars |
205 |
87. |
Sri Lanka |
US dollars |
155 |
88. |
India |
US dollars |
155 |
89. |
Nepal |
US dollars |
155 |
90. |
Bangladesh |
US dollars |
155 |
91. |
Pakistan |
US dollars |
165 |
92. |
Samoa |
US dollars |
145 |
93. |
Mongolia |
US dollars |
145 |
94. |
Laos |
US dollars |
155 |
95. |
Vietnam |
US dollars |
155 |
96. |
Indonesia |
US dollars |
205 |
97. |
Afghanistan |
US dollars |
175 |
98. |
Cambodia |
US dollars |
175 |
99. |
Mauritania |
US dollars |
175 |
100. |
Mali |
US dollars |
195 |
101. |
Maldives |
US dollars |
165 |
102. |
Gibraltar |
Euro |
150 |
103. |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) |
US dollars |
225 |
104. |
Korean Republic |
US dollars |
245 |
105. |
Japan |
Japanese yen |
34720 |
106. |
Philippines |
US dollars |
210 |
107. |
New Zealand |
US dollars |
195 |
108. |
Australia and Oceania |
US dollars |
195 |
Supplement №– 2
by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers
of the Azerbaijan Republic
of 25 January 2008
№– 14
Allowances to a daily rate of travel expenses in connection with business trips of executives and managers, to which apply such allowances
№–№– |
Position of executive |
Allowance |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1. |
President of the Constitutional Court of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic, Deputy Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic, General Prosecutor of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Azerbaijan Republic (Ombudsman), Chairman of the Chamber of Accounts of the Azerbaijan Republic, deputy chairman, auditors of the Chamber of Accounts, the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Azerbaijan Republic, Deputies of Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic, Head of the Staff of Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic, Head of the Staff of the Chamber of Accounts of the Azerbaijan Republic, Head of the Staff of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, Officials of central executive authorities, Chairman of the National Council for Television and Radio of the Azerbaijan Republic |
50 |
2. |
Vice-chairman and judge assistant of the Constitutional Court of the Azerbaijan Republic, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Deputies Attorney-General of the Azerbaijan Republic, Deputy Chairman and auditors of the Chamber of Accounts of the Azerbaijan Republic, Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Azerbaijan Republic, Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Courts of Appeal of the Azerbaijan Republic, members of the Judicial Legal Council, Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the courts for grave crimes, Deputy Heads of the central executive power authorities, Deputy Chairman of the National Council for Television and Radio of the Azerbaijan Republic |
30 |
3. |
Persons seconded in connection with holding of ceremonial events related to the official visits of official delegations of the Azerbaijan Republic at the state and government level to foreign countries. |
25 |
During business trips, persons referred to in paragraph 1 of the Table shall be paid with entertainment expenses at a rate of 10 per cent of the daily rate of travel expenses. Transportation costs of these persons and persons, having the rank of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary within the period of diplomatic activity will be paid by rates of «business class» for airplanes, «business-class» or «first-class carriage with 2-bed compartment» for railway trains, in all other cases, transportation costs will be paid by rates of «economic class» for airplanes, «carriage with 4-bed compartment» for railway trains.
In case of business trip of heads of official delegations of the Azerbaijan Republic to foreign countries at the state and government level for participation in international activities and bilateral meetings, if they are accommodated in the hotel according to the rules of the protocol of the host country and based on the submitted documents, the actual amount of daily hotel expenses exceed the daily rate of travel costs by 60 percent with consideration of the allowances given in the table, this difference is paid as additional costs to travel expenses for hotel days. Travel expenses of other members of this official delegation, accommodated in hotel in this order, shall be paid on the basis of submitted written documents, provided that they do not exceed in 1,5 times the daily rate of travel allowances set for the concerned countries.
Delegations, which are authorized or mandated to act on behalf of the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic fall into the category of the state and government delegations.
Executives shown in Table are entitled to receive only one of allowances ascribed to them.
by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers
of the Azerbaijan Republic
of 25 January 2008
№– 14
List of some Decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, regarded as expired
1. The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic «On travel expenses rates» of 16 March 2001, №– 66 (Compilation of legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, 2001, №– 3, article 220, №– 7, article 514, 2002, №– 7, article 453, 2003, №– 9, article 532, 2004, №– 12, article 1068, 2005, №– 6, article 547, №– 10, article 986, 2006, №– 4, article 383), with the exception of paragraph 7.
2. The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic dated 26 July 2001, №– 127 «On introduction of amendments to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic «On travel expenses rates»of 16 March 2001, №– 66» (Compilation of legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, 2001, №– 7, article 514).
3. The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic dated 20 July 2002, №– 115 «On introduction of supplement to the «Allowances to travel expenses rates in connection with business trips of executives and managers, to which apply such allowances», approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan «On travel expenses rates»of 16 March 2001, №– 66» (Compilation of legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, 2002, №– 7, article 453).
4. The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic dated 26 September 2003, №– 125 «On introduction of supplement to the «Allowances to travel expenses rates in connection with business trips of executives and managers, to which apply such allowances», approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan «On travel expenses rates»of 16 March 2001, №– 66» (Compilation of legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, 2003, №– 9, article 532).
5. The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic dated 3 December 2004, №– 187 «On introduction of amendments and supplements to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic« On travel expenses rates» of 16 March 2001, №– 66» (Compilation of legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, 2004, №– 12, Article 1068).
6. The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic dated 21 June 2005, №– 111 «On introduction of supplement to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic «On travel expenses rates»of 16 March 2001, №– 66» (Compilation of legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, 2005, №– 6, article 547).
7. The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic dated 21 October 2005, №– 193 «On introduction of amendments and supplements to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic «On travel expenses rates» of 16 March 2001, №– 66» (Compilation of legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, 2005, №– 10, Article 986).
8. The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic dated 24 April 2006, №– 115 «On introduction of amendments to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic «On travel expenses rates»of 16 March 2001, №– 66» (Compilation of legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, 2006, №– 4, article 383).
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