Brand Protection and Investigations

Brand Protection and Investigations

As infringers and counterfeiters become increasingly sophisticated in both local and global territories, it becomes more and more challenging for corporations to protect their brand value and intellectual property.

De Jure employs a dedicated team of Brand Protection professionals who are specialized in anti-counterfeiting , trade mark infringement and intellectual property investigations with the following services provided.

Multi-media and on ground market research;

  • Market and Price surveys;
  • Internet Monitoring;
  • Site visits;
  • Test purchases;
  • Evidence gathering and handling;
  • Investigations;
  • Detailed, concise and accurate report writing;
  • Training on behalf the Brand owner;
  • Judicial remedies.


Loss Prevention

Protecting the bottom line to maximize profit requires effective Loss Prevention programs and strategies. De Jure provides the following services as full program or by component resource:

  • LP Management and Compliance Policies for vertical and horizontal organizations;
  • Trend analysis and predictive indicators of Loss Runs, Incidents and Shrinkage;
  • Development and implementation of  LP reporting and analysis systems;
  • Oversight and implementation of Loss Prevention audit programs;
  • Development, production and implementation of Crisis Management Plans;
  • Training relating to all components of Loss Prevention Program.

De Jure provides the following services in order to assist the companies to improve their supplier controls while improving quality and supplier relations and reducing costs and risk.

  • 'Local knowledge' which will have an impact on the final result and follow-up actions, particularly when exploring risks such as intellectual property loss and counterfeiting;
  • In-depth analysis of company data;
  • On-site visit with all supply functions, support functions and facilities;
  • Comprehensive analysis and customized report with specific actionable recommendations that will improve the effectiveness of the supply chain and positively impact the bottom line.
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